Yvonne Racz is the artistic director of Ballet Lubbock and on faculty at Texas Tech University School of Theatre and Dance. With her visionary leadership, Ballet Lubbock has flourished under her guidance, earning the position of resident artist organization in the prestigious Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences. Throughout her tenure, she has successfully quintupled the size of the school, nurturing a new generation of dancers who have gone on to perform and teach nationally and internationally.

Yvonne’s commitment to inclusive dance education has earned her recognition in the Texas Tech’s Institute of inclusive excellence and the National Dance Education Organization Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Independent Sector in 2022.

As a testament to her global impact, Yvonne recently completed a Fulbright Scholar Teaching Award at the Hungarian Dance University, and the Starry-Eyed Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble, further enriching her extensive portfolio of international engagements.

Yvonne’s dedication to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in ballet is exemplified by her role as a School of American Ballet Visiting Fellow for their pioneering initiative. Additionally, she has completed her Functional Awareness® and Anatomy in Action certification, enhancing her understanding of the human body’s mechanics and becoming a certified FA®ME educator.

As a dance educator, Yvonne has presented in prominent platforms such as the Association of Theater Education (ATHE), Texas Educational Theatre Association (TETA), CORPS de Ballet International, MoBB (Memoirs of Blacks in Ballet), Dance Studies Association and Universities of Eger, Hungary. Her expertise and insights have been widely sought after, as she shares her knowledge and is constantly exploring new experiences to learn from fellow professionals and educators.

Yvonne earned a B.A. in Humanities at the University of Utah. She embarked on a prolific career as a professional dancer, with celebrated companies such as Maryland Ballet, Desrosiers Dance Theatre in Canada, Urban Ballet Theatre, Ballet Hispanico of N.Y., Arena Stage, and Cirque Du Soleil. She garnered attention in notable publications, including VOGUE, TIME, and Dance Magazine. She has toured across Canada, South America, and South Korea throughout her career.

Yvonne’s choreographic works include contemporary pieces, story ballet and musical theatre. She has forged powerful collaborations with renowned institutions such as the Texas Tech School of Music, the Lubbock Symphony, and composers Scott and Amy Faris, further solidifying her reputation as a versatile and multifaceted artist.

A passionate advocate for the transformative power of ballet, Yvonne has delivered a TEDx talk on the positive effects of ballet training on young individuals. She has been honored with awards, including The Arts Alliance Dynamic Force ACE award, YWCA’s Woman of Excellence in Culture, and the Louise Hopkins Underwood Arts Center’s “Performing Arts Award.”

Guest teaching includes Dallas Black Dance Theatre. Ballet Hispanico, School of American Ballet, Texas Ballet Theater, Texas Christian University, Budapest Dance Theatre, Dance Now Mexico, and the University of Pécs. She will be presenting at the NDEO conference of 2025.